Bella Forza


Grab your girlfriends, and run to try a pole or aerial silks workshop! We had an amazing time at Bella Forza Fitness in Cincinnati. When I was first scheduling this event, what I hoped this evening would have in store for us was fun and frivolity- get us out of our comfort zones by trying something brand new with a supportive group. But what we got was so much more. 


Yes, all of the above happened, but we also let go of fears. Fear of the way we would look, fear of falling on our faces, and the fear of letting go. And when you allow yourself to let go with a group of fun, strong, supportive women and fantastic instruction, it is a recipe for an amazing experience. Bella Forza's motto is "Discover your beautiful strength" and we did just that.


I've been reading and doing a lot of self work lately, as have a few of my girlfriends, on living and leading with love: letting go and staying in the moment. And opportunities seem to be popping up around every corner, so I am trying to grab them. While it may sound kind of corny, so much more opens up to you if you set your intentions on putting more love out into the universe. Our class with Kendra wrapped all of this up into a beautiful gift for ourselves. Spinning around on the poles and inverting ourselves on the silks played sweetly into the way we are all striving to live. With the right preparation, instruction, and safety tips from our instructor, we let ourselves go beyond our comfort zones, whatever that may have been for each of us.


My expectation of the Bella Forza pole fitness class was that we would have fun and play around with our sultry sides. And while these expectations were certainly met, there were some other universal themes from the class that rang true to me: the need for strength (because it takes an incredible amount of strength), the power of supporting and uplifting each other, and the joy of letting yourself dive into a spinning motion or inversion knowing that you may slide or fall, but giving it your all nonetheless (OK, this one may not be so universal, but it's invigorating to try new things).

And the best part? We walked away wanting to try it again. Thank you Bella Forza for bringing out the beautiful strength in all of us!

Check out this wonderful team- they have a variety of classes from Pole Fitness and Aerial Silks to group strength classes and power lifting! A little something for everyone.